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Guidelines for Art Exhibition

  • We like to meet and see some samples of your work, before we agree to display your work. We are a family-friendly, relaxed, leisure space and some art work, despite having much creative merit, may not be deemed suitable for the overall ambience of our cheerful little café in the woods.
  • A small charge of £25 is made for exhibiting

  • We ask for 10% on any sales to support the community cafe

  • A private evening showing/event can be organised for friends and family at an extra cost of £50 (£25 for the space and £25 as a staff charge) in addition we can provide a bar and selection of delicious, stylish canapés or a buffet (speak to us to discuss your requirements and prices)

  • Hanging is usually done on Wednesdays at 8.30am, and taken down on Tues at 3pm, but always by prior arrangement with the cafe. It must be completed by 6pm on that day.  You are responsible for the physical hanging of your artwork on the day, including all hanging materials. We suggest that you arrange to have at least two people to hang. We have ladders available for your use at your own risk. If you would like to talk through the hanging of your works before the exhibition we are happy to make an appointment.

  • Exhibitions run for 3 or 4 weeks

  • Storage: Please note we have NO storage space in the Cafe. Any additional artwork not hung, and all art protectors/packaging must be removed at the end of your hanging day.
  • Whilst we will take all possible care to ensure your art work is safe and well looked after while it is with us, exhibitors must understand we are a café open to the public and so leaving work on display is at the artist’s own risk. We recommend that artists have their own insurance to cover possible theft or accidental damage.
  • When taking down your work it is once again your responsibility to leave the hanging system neat and clear of any remaining cord, and also to clear excess rubbish/packaging etc. so the area is left clean for the incoming artists.


To discuss or make a booking please email us
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